Introducing the .NET Framework 4.5
Getting started with the Visual Studio 2012 IDE
The anatomy of a Visual Basic Project
Data types and expressions
Debugging Visual Basic 2012 applications
Handling errors and exceptions
Managing an object's lifetime
Organizing types within namespaces
Structures and enumerations
Generics and nullable types
Working with collections and iterators
Creating objects : visual tools and portable libraries
Manipulating files and streams
Advanced language features
INtroducing ADO.NET and DataSets
Introducing ADO.NET entity framework
Manipulating XML documents with LINQ and XML literals
Creating WPF applications
Brushes, styles, templates, and animations in WPF
Manipulating media and documents
Building ASP.NET web applications
Publishing ASP.NET web applications
Building rich internet applications with Silverlight 5
Building and deploying applications for Windows Azure
Building apps for Windows phone 7.5
Creating and consuming WCF services
Implementing and consuming WCF data services
Processes and multithreading
Parallel programming and parallel LINQ
Platform invokes and interoperability with the COM architecture
Documenting the source code with XML comments
Understanding the global assembly cache
Setup and deployment with InstallSheild for visual studio
Deploying applications with ClickOnce
INtroducing the Visual Studio Extensibility
Testing code with unit tests, test-driven development, and code contract.