Cichy zapada zmrok = Here comes the silent dusk --
Mania mienia = The meaning of the means (So may it secretly begin) --
Przyplyw, odplyw, oddech czasu = High tide, low tide, the breath of time... (Tell her you saw me) --
Are you going with me? --
Czarne slowa = Black words --
Lulajze jezuniu (Polish Christmas carol ) --
Zupelnie inna ja = The different me (Always and forever) --
Piosenka dla Stasia = A song for Stas --
Me jedyne niebo = My only heaven (Another life) --
By on byl tu = Let it stay (Farmer's trust) --
Polskie drogi = Polish paths --
Tam, gdzie nie siega wzrok = Further than the eye can see (Follow me) --
Na calej polaci snieg = The snow falls all over the place --
Szepty izhy = Whispers & tears (recorded live, Dec. 9, 2002, Sala Kongresowa, Warsaw).