1. Overview : the challenge of reaching scale / Laurence Chandy, Akio Hosono, Homi Kharas, and Johannes Linn
2. Why business models matter / Michael Kubzansky
3. From scaled-up budgets to scaled-up impact : a decade of rising foreign aid in review / Laurence Chandy
4. Scaling up impact : vertical funds and innovative governance / David Gartner and Homi Kharas
5. Incentives and accountability for scaling up / Johannes F. Linn
6. Angel investments : enterprise solutions to scale / Chris West
7. Scaling up through disruptive business models : the inside story of mobile money in Kenya / Pauline Vaughan, Wolfgang Fengler, and Michael Joseph
8. Meeting the demand of the poor : two cases of business-led scaling up at the base of the pyramid / Hiroshi Kato and Akio Hosono
9. Scaling up south-south cooperation through triangular cooperation : the Japanese experience / Akio Hosono
10. Institutional challenges to scaling up learning in Kenya / Tessa Bold [and others]
11. Scaling up in education : school-based management in Niger / Shunichiro Honda and Hiroshi Kato
12. Scaling up impact through public-private partnerships / Jane Nelson