CD 1. Star wars: main title --
Star wars: Princess Leia --
The empire strikes back: the asteroid field --
The empire strikes back: the Imperial march --
The empire strikes back: Yoda's theme --
Return of the jedi: Jabba the hutt --
Return of the jedi: Luke and Leia theme --
Return of the jedi: Parade of the Ewoks --
Return of the jedi: the forest battle --
Close encounters of the third kind: kind suite --
E.T.: adventures on Earth --
CD 2. 2001: a space odyssey --
Battlestar galactica: main title --
Twilight zone: theme and variations --
Holst: the planets: Mars --
Holst: the planets: Venus --
Holst: the planets: Mercury --
Holst: the planets: Jupiter --
Holst: the planets: Saturn --
Holst: the planets: Uranus --
Holst: the planets: Neptune.