Introduction: on knowing nothing / Susan Johnston and Jes Battis
Language and narration. The languages of ice and fire / David J. Peterson
"Sing for your little life": story, discourse and character / Marc Napolitano
What maesters knew: narrating knowing / Brian Cowlishaw
Histories. "Just songs in the end": historical discourses in Shakespeare and Martin / Jessica Walker
Dividing lines: Frederick Jackson Turner's Western frontier and George R.R. Martin's Northern wall / Michail Zontos
Philosophies. "All men must serve": religion and free will from The seven to The faceless men / Ryan Mitchell Wittingslow
"Silk ribbons tied around a sword": knighthood and the chivalric virtues in westeros / Charles H. Hackney
Bodies. Cursed womb, bulging thighs and bald scalp: George R.R. Martin's grotesque queen / Karin Gresham
"A thousand bloodstained hands": the malleability of flesh and identity / Beth Kozinsky
A thousand westerosi plateaus: wargs, wolves and ways of being / T.A. Leederman
Intimacies. Sex and the citadel: adapting same sex desire from Martin's westeros to HBO's bedrooms / David C. Nel
Beyond the pale? craster and the pathological reproduction of houses in westeros / D. Marcel Decoste
Adaptations. The hand of the artist: fan art in the martinverse / Andrew Howe
"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies": transmedia textuality and the flows of adaptation / Zoe Shacklock.